Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who thought Gary Locke blew the Democratic Response last night.
Glenn Reynolds says "From what I've seen, Bush did pretty well on Iraq, and got a passing grade (with perhaps an extra point or two for audacity) on the domestic side. However, if you grade on the curve with Gary Locke plugged in, he gets an A."
Tom Maguire asks: "For the rebuttal speech, why did the Dems pick the Senior Class President of Washington High?"
and on the Corner: "Oh brother, was Gary Locke's speech pitiful, or what? It's hard to follow the President of the United States giving a State of the Union address in a time of war, but jeez, that was horrible. They should've sent Teddy the K. out; he would at least have had some passion."

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