Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Yeah, that's not gonna happen

Here's a good question for the White House with the expected response:
Q Thanks, Karine. Yeah. When will the President hold another news conference so we can ask a question of him without having helicopter noise or jet noise in the background?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I don’t have anything to preview — to share. Obviously, the President — the President, as you just say- — as you were just saying, the President takes questions pretty regularly, enjoys having engagement with all of you.

I don’t have a press conference to lay out for you at this time.

Q But is there — is there talk of one?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I don’t have anything for you.
Dementia Joe can't do it.  In every public event, he is either tethered to a teleprompter, a laminated large-print binder, or cheat-sheet note cards.  A news conference without the questions in advance?  No chance.


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    This is too easy.
    Donald Trump this past weekend:

    "Chicken's up, bread is up, and I can't read this damn teleprompter! This sucker is moving around. [wiggles hand in the air] It's like reading ahhhhh. A moving flag in a 35 mile an hour wind. And then they say Trump's a bad guy because I'll say this. Don't pay! The teleprompter company, don't pay. Don't pay."

    When Trump's not bungling his Bidenian teleprompter, he's facing the fearsome journalism bombardment of Sean "You don't really mean the thing you've said several times, riiight...?" Hannity, or the paste-eating minions on Newsmax.

  2. unAnonymous9:18 PM

    So you mean, when Trump speaks, he's actually using words and they can be understood...

    unlike this?

  3. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Wrong. I mean that if Viking Pundit didn't have a double standard, he'd have no standards.

    And now, I mean that the two of you pretending that "No, Biden is the 2024 candidate who is known for saying incoherent gibberish" has driven both the rubber and glue industries into intellectual bankruptcy.

    You're Bill Cosby, chastising men about the importance of dating courtesy.

  4. unAnonymous2:26 PM

    Gaslighting is an art. And I'm sorry to tell you you're not good at it.

  5. Saudi Arabia and Russia will ree bee durr ahhh...11:51 PM

    You need a teleprompter.

    Hell, you need a See and Say. The cow says moo.
