Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The post-SOTU polls are in

Newsweek: "Joe Biden's Approval Rating Falls to All-Time Low After SOTU."

I don't understand. Didn't America see the fiery vigor from Old Yeller?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:31 AM

    NO! Not really?

    Since 1989:

    Bush 1991 got a post-State of the Union bump.

    Clinton 1998 also got a SOTU bump.

    Obama 2014 also got a bump.

    And... that's it. 3 out of the last 26. There were no other significant rises.

    As for Trump and Biden? If your mother was in a coma, and her isoelectric EKG monitor line looked like one of their approval rating trajectories following a State of the Union speech? You'd pull the plug.

    Since 1989, the average presidential approval bump a week after a State of the Union has been one-half of one percentage point.

    Political scholars call this The Half-Point Honeymoon.

    A month after the last 26 speeches, the average presidential approval had gone up by zero points.
