Saturday, March 16, 2024

So...more taxes

Here's the Boston Globe jumping into the fray: "How to fix Social Security."

I'll save you the trouble of reading: it's automatic tax increases.  And while the article hints at pairing tax increases with benefit cuts to bridge the gap, that latter measure floats away like a feather in the wind.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Oh, look.

    House Republican budget calls for raising the retirement age for Social Security

    I can't tell you how emphatically I approve a Republican House that has shown it can't accomplish anything...

    ...pushing this toxic message...

    ...that cannot pass Congress... a close presidential election year... which they are certain to lose the House majority...

    ...but not by nearly as much as they will lose the majority by pushing this, their Social Security moment, the victory they've wet dreamed about since 1936.

    Please please please vote on this budget, Republicans. Vote on it loudly and proudly.
