Monday, March 25, 2024

Just makin' s--- up

Ace: "You Know That Bizarre Story Biden Told the Special Counsel About a Worker Getting His Penis Burned Off? Yeah, Biden Lied About It." - "It's yet another case of Biden hearing about something and just incorporating it into his ever-expanding self-mythology." 


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    No standards other than double standards...

  2. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Guess who was just makin' s--- up outside his latest courthouse date today?

    “That’s not even a crime. We’re being tried for something that’s not even a crime they say at most it’s a misdemeanor.”

    1. No. Misdemeanors are crimes.

    2. Trump is charged with felonies. 34 felonies, to be precise. Each of which is a crime. Felonies are more serious crimes than misdemeanors.

    3. The trial will be a criminal trial. Once convicted of felonies, Donald Trump will be a convicted felon.

    4. Think of all the people Trump has recklessly accused of crimes who are not, nor will ever be convicted criminals.

  3. unAnonymous11:35 AM

    Looks like the news yesterday of the massive reduction in Trump's NY bond sent someone into a textual frenzy under a post about a burnt penis.

    The news isn't improving any today for Anonymous, either.

  4. Anonymous2:10 PM

    How cute. unAnonymous thought "Just makin' s--- up" was an instruction he needed to follow.

  5. unAnonymous5:44 PM

    The famous burnt penis textual excitement continues to extend its reach.

    By the way, you have an interesting definition of "free fallin":

    Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT) 57.99 +8.04(+16.10%)
    and to this moment after hours: 61.85 +3.86 (+6.66%)

    Have hope though - tomorrow is another day.

  6. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Heh heh. How's "tomorrow" working out?

  7. unAnonymous11:45 AM

    How's "tomorrow" working out?

    Well, let's see...

    Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT) at 11:45 AM:
    52.15 +3.49 (+7.17%)

  8. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Insider stock tip: 52 is lower than 62.

    MoneyWatch: Trump's social media company loses billions in value as stock price swings wildly

    I heartily encourage all MAGA diehards to invest everything they can to keep the stock value as high as it can go.

  9. unAnonymous8:37 PM

    What? You didn't jump in when it was under 50 in order to ride the "free flyin'"?

    You're really just butthurt that he pulled $billions out of thin air at the moment he needed (a small portion of)it for certain, errum..., expenses.

  10. Anonymous2:08 PM

    No, that development is delivering great entertainment today. Allow me to do a quick cut and paste:

    "CPLR 5519 allows stays for enforcement of a money judgment on appeal when "an undertaking in that sum is given." CPLR 2501 defines "undertaking" as an "obligation...which contains a covenant by a surety to pay the required amount."

    CPLR 2502 defines "surety" as "1. an insurance company authorized to execute the undertaking with the state, or 2. a natural person...who shall execute with the undertaking his affidavit setting forth...that he is domiciled within the state and worth at least the amount specified."

    None of the people helping Trump with his bond are New York domiciliaries, and none of them are pledging their own individual money, so (2) is out the window, leaving (1). Now, Knight Insurance Company is not "an insurance company authorized to execute the undertaking within the state," for starters.

    Taking the bond at face value, Knight has on hand surplus cash assets of $138,441,671... notably less than the $175 million that they issued the bond for. Meaning that they can't actually pay the bond if Trump loses, meaning that even if a court were inclined to accept the deficient bond, it can't.

    Knight is claiming that it's authorized to issue te bond as a surplus lines insurer. Surplus lines can be sold by unlicensed, foreign insurers in New York... but notably, it does not comply with CPLR 2502's requirements, so whether Knight can sell surplus lines is irrelevant.

    Additionally, the language in the bond is completely wrong. Knight claims to "undertake" that if the judgment is upheld in whole or in part, Defendants will pay $175,000,000 to the State of New York. That's not how it works -- Knight has to guarantee that it will pay that amount.

    None of this works; the bond is defective; the attempt to cure it today was defective; and Trump has not as yet filed any kind of emergency motion with the First Department to accept the bond... which he has another 11 1/2 hours to do before Tish James can start collecting."

    Tune in tomorrow for the further adventures of history's greatest businessman.

  11. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Gee, you're quiet.

    You must have seen the numbers when you tuned in tomorrow.

    Why couldn't it always stay March 26th forever?
