Friday, March 22, 2024

Banana republic backlash

Red State: "Frank Luntz Hits CNN Panel With Reality - Says If NY Seizes Trump's Assets They Are Electing Him."

There are columnists who can't write an article without mentioning Trump's 91 felony charges.  Remember these words: "You are going to elect Donald Trump." 

You are going to elect Donald Trump. 


  1. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Reality Hits Frank Luntz With Reality:

    In 2022, Frank Luntz predicted that "When the dust settles from the 2022 midterms, the GOP will have between 233-240 House seats – outdoing their total from 1994. Republicans also will take control of the Senate."

    Luntz also said that the Democrats's mistake in 2022 was that they "ran on abortion and Trump." Voters would be angered by this, and "they're going to take that anger out at the ballot box in November."

    Nothing like that happened.

    In 2018, Frank Luntz declared “Kavanaugh did not play well for the Democrats. I think what Americans saw frightened them. It communicated that a Democratic majority would be just more chaos.”

    None of this was what Americans felt.

    Frank Luntz does like a good story.

  2. unAnonymous10:53 AM

    You're not threatened in any way by Frank Luntz's accuracy or lack thereof. The big threat for you is that the polling industry is universally acknowledged to have vastly overstated the support by the electorate of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in the 2016 and 2020 elections.

    So keeping that reality in mind, on this date Trump's lead in the RCP average is 2.0%, which we can regard as understated. On this same date in the 2020 campaign, during which Trump never had a lead at any time, Biden's lead was supposedly 7.4%.

    Pleasant dreams.

  3. Anonymous1:41 PM

    If you believe that, it makes the mythical backlash mantra "Seize his assets? You are going to elect Donald Trump. You are going to elect Donald Trump." more of a foolish just-so story.

    "If you strike Trump down, he shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." A new hope.

  4. unAnonymous8:51 AM

    As for "seizing", I have to admit that, not wanting to take a Trump victory for granted, I have a new and fervent hope that Letitia James starts seizing Trump's assets.

  5. Anonymous1:10 PM

    As an act of emotional self-care, pretending to desire the unstoppable is relatively harmless if it makes you feel more in control.

    Remember when announced candidate Donald Trump urged his supporters to rally outside the Manhattan courthouse to “Protest, take our nation back!”...

    ...and 20 protesters turned out?

    That day of rage was almost 1/12th the ridership capacity of a single NYC subway car.

  6. unAnonymous5:03 PM

    I have only one question for you.

    Considering that Trump being tried and found "guilty" in NY did nothing to turn the American electorate against him, will the willful destruction of his NY businesses by a vengefully political AG who has declared she is bent on his persecution, succeed in turning the people against him?

  7. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Push polling campaigners would snort at your word construction.

    And you forgot to call her a DERANGED COMMUNIST.

    Just 20 courthouse protesters against Trump's persecution, dude. Twenty. There are longer lines at Starbucks.

  8. unAnonymous8:26 PM

    I asked that question because I knew you would run away from it. And did you ever skedaddle! How's that for instincts? - (mine to ask the question, not yours to run from it)

    I'll just repeat what I said earlier...

    Pleasant dreams.

  9. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Was it really just two days ago that:

    Q: When has the right ever succeeded in convincing the non-MAGA public that Donald Trump didn't really exactly quite say the horrible thing he just said? Examples?

    You: "No convincing of the public is necessary. Trust me. No one cares."
