Saturday, March 16, 2024

A perfect example of the government "helping"

Reason: "Seattle Law Mandating Higher Delivery Driver Pay Is a Disaster - Just two weeks after the law went into effect, Seattleites had to contend with $26 coffees and $32 sandwiches." 

In other words, while the ordinance theoretically raises driver earnings to over $26 per hour—a number that ironically far exceeds Seattle's $19.97 standard minimum wage—drivers are barely logging any hours as a result of the drastic decrease in demand for food delivery. As one Seattle driver summarized: "It was dead. Demand was dead." A second driver put it more bluntly: "I've got nothin'. I'm not gonna sit here for hours for one frickin' order."

Great job, Seattle.  But good intentions, amirite?

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