Friday, June 16, 2023

What a surprise

Reuters: "Analysis: Biden's IRA climate bill won't cut deficit as expected."

The climate bill at issue is the Inflation Reduction Act which has done virtually nothing to reduce inflation.  If only I had diabetes! 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

    In 2017, last-minute changes to the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" were handwritten onto the bill shortly before the vote was taken. Republicans promised that the plan would "pay for itself," would "pay down debt," and would "increase revenue."

    The legislation has thus far added $1.8 trillion to the U.S. debt. Making the cuts permanent, which the GOP wanted to do in the recent debt ceiling showdown, would add another estimated $3.5 trillion.

    These were your 2017 reactions to the "Trump Tax Cut":

    "Democrats revive the 'trickle down' smear."

    I confess: I stayed up until 2am watching C-Span to see if the Republicans would finally pass the tax reform bill.

    R.I.P. America
    PJ Media: "5 Absurd Overreactions to the Senate Passing Tax Reform."

    Allowing Americans to keep a little more of their income = mass murder.

    Paul Krugman seems to take the position that unless you agree with him about the tax bill, you are unprincipled.

    All aboard
    Fox News: "Rubio, Corker back tax bill as Trump predicts 'monumental' reform will pass next week."

    "Taxmageddon: It’s The End Of The World As We Know It And I Feel Fine."

    The Doomsday narrative did not match up with reality.
