Friday, June 09, 2023

This might be the beginning of the end

For over two years, I've been assiduously trying to avoid Trump on this blog.  I don't want him to be the nominee in 2024 and now it looks like I'll get my wish.  There are a number of legal analysts I trust and chief among them is Jonathan Turley.  He thinks Trump is in trouble:
Yet, for roughly two years, I have said that there was one torpedo in the water that was a serious threat: an obstruction charge out of Mar-a-Lago.

That torpedo just hit.
Boy, did it ever, and it was an entirely self-inflicted wound. 

Extra - Red State: "Donald Trump Brought This on Himself." 


  1. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Trump's criminal indictment includes the man literally admitting his crimes on a recording THAT HE HIMSELF ARRANGED TO HAVE MADE.

    It's too bad you used all these blogpost titles so recently:

    Oh FFS

    Today's feel-good story

    I laughed

    Exactly as predicted


    Very on-brand

    The adults are in charge

    You voted for this

    Jonathan Turley was on Jesse Watters' show today saying:
    (1) The indictment will backfire, because Trump will turn it against his opponents (SO WHAT);
    (2) that Joe Biden mishandled classified documents even worse than Trump did (A LIE);
    (3) that many of the criminal charges against Trump are "novel" (LIE);
    and (4) that Trump without question would have the power to pardon himself in 2025 (the opposite of definite).

    Time to find someone else to trust.

  2. Anonymous1:33 AM

    I don't want him to be the nominee in 2024 and now it looks like I'll get my wish.

    Ha! Not with this deformed GOP, you won't. Wishful thinking.
