Saturday, June 24, 2023

It's all coming out now

No thanks to the mainstream media.  Federalist: "The Corporate Media Can’t Come Back After Playing A Key Role In Running Cover-Up For Biden Family Corruption." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    "The Corporate Media..."

    That mom and pop feed store The Federalist is owned by a private Limited Liability Company which will not reveal its financial backers.

    ...Can’t Come Back After Playing A Key Role In Running Cover-Up For Biden Family Corruption"

    The Federalist, a whole month ago:
    Biden’s Corruption Is Everything Corporate Media Hoped To Get Out Of Trump, So They Won’t Cover It

    For years, members of the corporate media scrounged for dirt on their political enemies, like Trump and his voters.

    Donald Trump and his family stole charity money from children with cancer.
