Sunday, June 11, 2023

"I guess you're not joining his legal team"

Former Attorney General Bill Barr is absolutely lacing into Trump on Fox News Sunday.  And it's absolutely true that Barr defended Trump during the Russian collusion hoax and against Alvin Bragg's ridiculous charges, as well as his consistent stand on prosecutorial restraint.  

At one point, Barr said: "If half of what's in this indictment is true, he's toast."

Jonathan Turley also appeared and said this absolutely true statement: "Yes, maybe the Department of Justice was 'out to get him' but he made it easy for them."  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Trump and Russia did it. Mueller proved it. Barr snuffed it. Let it go. Shed your hoax mind virus.

    Washington Post:
    William Barr is still misleading about the Mueller report

    The Barr Cover-Up: Call It What It Is

    BREAKING: Bill Barr Is Still Full Of Shit

    Associated Press:
    Judge sharply rebukes Barr's handling of Mueller report

    New York Times:
    How Barr’s Quest to Find Flaws in the Russia Inquiry Unraveled

    American Constitution Society:
    Stark Contrasts Between the Mueller Report and Attorney General Barr’s Summary

    Bill Barr is trying to erase the truth about Russia and Mueller

    Trump, AG Barr spread untruths about Mueller report

    The Trial Lawyer Magazine:
    Bill Barr Is The Master Of Covering Up Political Scandals

    You're like the bank robber who got the money and made a successful escape, but still bitterly complains that the getaway car received a parking ticket.

    And Bill Barr suddenly got brave and truthy, once Donald Trump wouldn't be of any benefit to him ever again.
