Wednesday, June 21, 2023

He deserves it

Twitchy: "House censures Rep. Adam Schiff, Dems throw a tantrum."

I don't even blame congenital liars like Schiff anymore.  I blame the mainstream media who allows people like Schiff to spread falsehoods without the slightest pushback.  This guy went on for years about all this evidence he had and it turns out he had nothing.  


  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    You say this on the same day that Adam Schiff publicly depantsed your great white knight John Durham? Along with additional belly punches from the other Democrats at the hearing?

    Under Schiff's questioning, John Durham literally ducked an answer by alibi'ing that he doesn't follow the news.

    Earlier in the same hearing, when asked about information in the Mueller report, Durham had said he only knew what he had read in the news.

    Debt-conscious Republicans spent $8 million for this.

    The Republicans smacked Durham around pretty good today, too. Gabriel Malor, writing about today's fitting end to the John Durham nothingburger experience:
    "The people who demanded that Durham investigate the origins of the probe into Trump's Russia ties are accusing Durham of a coverup."

    Or as another observer said, "This guy went on for years about all this evidence he had and it turns out he had nothing."

  2. Anonymous10:30 PM

    This blog, May 2020:
    I clicked on the link to this Federalist article titled: "Rep. Jim Jordan: A Look Back On The Russia, Mueller, And Flynn Investigations." This is the entire article:

    We were right about everything.

    Time to start collecting some scalps, John Durham.

    Tara Reade. John Durham. You should pick better political saviors.

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    People that refuse to live in reality usually get terribly upset when it eventually finds them.
