Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Does anybody in the media care that Biden never stops lying?

Joe Biden tells the same lies, exaggerations and outright falsehoods over and over and it seems that nobody in his administration bothers to correct him.  Does the media care or are "Presidential Lie Counters" only something reserved for Republicans?  Here is a small sampling from a campaign speech he gave just last night:
I was — I’ve met with — with Xi Jinping face to face more than any other world leader has.  I’ve spent over 85 hours with him alone, 68 of which are in person.  Back when I was vi- — when I was vice president, it was clear he was going to become the president.  Barack could not spend the time with him.  And so, I was the — I traveled 17,000 miles with him all across the world, including in — in China. 
This 17,000 miles story has been debunked multiple times.  Joe keeps repeating it.
I was a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
The idea we were able to put together a thing called the Quad...
Another lie.
So, my point is: The world is changing.  And if you take a look at Africa and South America — and Africa is going to have a billion people — one billion people by 2033.
This is at least the third time Biden has falsely claimed that Africa is approaching a billion people.  Africa surpassed a billion in 2009. 
We have — we’ve created 13.6 million new jobs, 800,000 manufacturing jobs — 800,000 manufacturing jobs. 
He's done nothing of the kind.  
They wanted to make sure they made fundamental changes in Social Security and Medicare — eliminate a lot of it. 
Absolute lie.
And I get in the train, and the guy — I won’t mention his name because I mentioned it last time, and he was so proud I — but I didn’t mention others, so I won’t mention this time.  And this guy walks up to me — I’ve known from a time I was — started riding the train.  He goes, “Joey, baby!”  And grabs my cheek.  And I thought Secret Service was going to shoot him.
This nonsense again.  So I guess this is at least the eighth time Biden has told this tall tale.
So the only point I’m making is there is a lot we’re doing.  And we still cut the deficit by $1.7 billion, doing every one of these things.
And there’s a guy named Seamus Heaney.  I’ve become friends with his wife.  He — I just knew him vaguely.  And he wrote a poem called “The Cure at Troy.”  And the line in the poem goes — he said, “All is changed, changed utterly.  A terrible beauty has been born.”
Even this, Biden can't get his facts straight for at least the third time. The "all is changed" line is the conclusion of "Easter 1916" by W.B. Yeats.

1 comment:

  1. JoeJoeJoeJoeJoeJoe9:34 PM

    Does anybody in the media care that Biden never stops lying?
    This 17,000 miles story has been debunked multiple times. Joe keeps repeating it.

    ...followed immediately an embedded link disputing the claim from THE WASHINGTON POST.

    And then, more fact check links to Newsweek, CNN, the New York Post, Fox News and the Washington Post again. But does anybody in the media care? Sob!

    O woe, when will America worry about our mendacious president's sick pathology and litany of lies?

    Probably not until after Joe Biden says that the military attack plan document he showed a roomful of sycophants because it was "so cool" wasn't a classified military document at all, but actually "plans for a golf course."

    (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley is a GREAT golf course designer.)
