Tuesday, June 20, 2023

C'mon we all saw this coming

Hot Air: "DoJ deals Hunter tax case down to misdemeanors; diversion on felony gun charge."

Unsurprising.  I did, however, get a chuckle from this detail via Charles C.W. Cooke: "Avoiding Biden v. Biden.":
Joe Biden is famous for his support for stricter gun-control laws, stricter drug-control laws, and stricter laws in the areas where guns and drugs intersect. Obviously, Joe did not want to see Hunter’s lawyers arguing that, under the recent Bruen decision that Joe vocally opposes, all of those laws are unconstitutional.
Which may well be the reason that Hunter’s lawyers “told Justice Department officials that, if their client is charged with the gun crime, they will challenge the law under the Second Amendment.” As a threat, this was extremely potent. Under the American system of government, the Hunter Biden case has ultimately been brought not by the DOJ, but by the authority vested in the president of the United States. Per Article II, the prosecution would be most literally rendered as Biden v. Biden. How excruciating it would have been for Joe to have a case such as this roiling in the background while he insisted cloyingly from his podium that, unlike all the Bad People out there who disagree with him, all he wants for America is a return to “common sense.”
Can't have that now.


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Poor Republicans. Forced to oppose someone who cheats on his taxes and has gun ownership.

  2. Anonymous12:11 AM

    "We all saw this coming." Most especially, the federal prosecutors who don't bring these kinds of cases to trial.

    NBC News:
    Legal Experts Say the Charges Against Hunter Biden Are Rarely Brought


  3. Anonymous12:59 AM

    A.R. Moxon:
    "Can’t wait until next month when Trump is indicted again and Republicans once again decide that crime is fine and not prosecuting crime is the only way to save the nation."
