Wednesday, June 28, 2023

21 paragraphs later

Hot Air: "NYT quietly confirms the allegation that Merrick Garland lied to Congress about Hunter."
It took 21 paragraphs to reveal the most explosive fact in its story, but while the fact is buried, the New York Times did publish that it had confirmed one of the most explosive revelations by the IRS whistleblowers who are challenging the Narrative in the Hunter Biden investigation.
I like how, after 20 paragraphs, the hacks at the NY Times asked themselves: "Should we mention that the Attorney General obstructed an investigation and committed perjury before Congress?  Is that relevant?"

Never change, you tendentious jerks.  

CBS too?!?  The walls are closing in!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    1. The New York Times are hacks and jerks who get paid to bury the truth.

    2. The New York Times expertly ferrets out and unearths explosive proof.
