Tuesday, May 16, 2023


Reason: "Lawsuit: It's Time To Start Paying Off Those Student Loans Again" - "The lawsuit claims that the pause has cost taxpayers "$160 billion and counting."

KJP, the dumbest press secretary ever, while trying to make a point about raising the debt ceiling said that "we pay our debts."  Ya know, unless they're student loans you agreed to repay.  Then YOLO.


  1. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Brookings, Nov 11, 2022:
    Midterm exit polls show that young voters drove Democratic resistance to the 'red wave'

    Mi$$ion accompli$hed.

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Comical complaint from Republicans, who are arguing to extend the Trump tax cut. That would add nearly $3.5 trillion to the national debt they hate so truly and sincerely.

    Economists agree: forgiving student debt will boost the U.S. economy as younger people will produce additional children, start additional businesses and sign up for additional home mortgages.

    To use the GOP tax cut sales pitch -- except truthfully this time -- it would pay for itself. Plus a lot more GDP than that.

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    At least the Durham Report was needed and true and worth the money.

    As a wise pundit once said a couple of years and $6.5 million ago, "Time to start collecting some scalps, John Durham."

  4. Anonymous7:09 PM

    "Time to start collecting some scalps, John Durham."

    This was in response to a Fox News article published three years ago this month.

    With retroactive hilarity, the title of the article was “Durham Moving Full Throttle on Russia Probe Review.”

    I wonder how long it would have taken Durham to do less than nothing if he had moved at half-throttle.
