Saturday, November 12, 2022

Thanks for the votes, stupid

NY Post editorial: "Biden’s student-debt con job fooled Gen Z for the midterms — will the kids wake up?"
By promising young people massive debt relief (that he knew the courts would strike down), Biden likely helped save countless Democrats in the midterms. 

Look at the numbers: 27% of eligible voters aged 18 to 29 cast ballots; 63% percent of those votes, per exit polls, went for Democrats. John Fetterman claimed 70% of the youth vote in his Pennsylvania Senate race; Arizona’s Mark Kelly claimed 76%. 

Yet these whippersnappers are now likely to get nothing for their trouble.
I'm not sure that the youth vote shifted much above it's normal levels but if you judge this issue by the posts on Reddit, it was Gen Z's only reason for voting.

It was always obviously unconstitutional. 



  2. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Unfortunately, with the education they've received, they don't realize that it was unconstitutional.


  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I'm not sure that the youth vote shifted much above it's normal levels but if you judge this issue by the posts on Reddit, it was Gen Z's only reason for voting.

    Exit polls say that the votes cast by 18-to-30-year-olds in 2022 were 4% more Democratic than in 2020, and 2% more than 2018, 9% more than 2016, 18% more than 2014, and 5% more than 2012.

    Good thing Republicans didn't lose any important close races.


  5. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Arizona State University campus votes:

    Katie Hobbs: 8,691 votes (96%)
    Kari Lake: 368 votes (4%)
