Monday, November 30, 2020

These adjectives all check out

The Stream: "Slanted: Our Dumb, Incompetent, Dangerous and Awful Media."  

In related news, CNN's Chris Cillizza is ready for his four-year nap.  


  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Don't trust the media, the polls, the pundits, the elites. Have faith in the betting markets, and the wisdom of crowds.

    Joe Biden's chances of winning the election that he has won are getting worse. He's slightly down to 88.7%.

    In other wagers, Trump is given a 1-in-10 chance of winning some individual states where his loss has been legally certified. RELEASE THE KRAKEN!

  2. I don't care about that race.

    Don't you got any more of those Susan Collins polls?

  3. Anonymous1:09 AM

    I don't care about that race.

    Why, of course. Naturally you don't. You just liked Donald Trump a teeny little because he gets out there and fights. And you don't like Joe Biden a teeny little because he tells lies. President Whoever.

    "I don't care about it"? Looks like David Frum is right again: "I was asked how Republicans will process their memory of the Trump years. I answered by quoting Don Draper's cynical remark from Mad Men Season 1: 'It never happened. It will shock you how much it never happened.'"

    Also looks like the national polls will have been off on Joe Biden's percentage of the popular vote by about 0.4% when it's done. He really was insurmountable. Told ya.

  4. The only thing we'll have to remind us of Trump will be Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.

    For decades.

  5. Anonymous12:59 AM

    You aren't trollish enough to think that stings even a little. The identical court would have been confirmed under any other GOP president.

    But under any GOP president who wasn't a cretinous toxin, you would have held the House in 2018 and kept it this year. And any semi-competent 102 I.Q. incumbent addressing the Covid virus (think Rubio or above) would be getting re-inaugurated.

    Also, you're forgetting the cemeteries. The cemeteries will remind us of Trump. For decades.

    And Joe Biden. Trump took the perennial lukewarm dropout candidate and singlehandedly made him unbeatable. He really does destroy political norms.
