Sunday, November 08, 2020

Then there's this silver lining

Reason: "The 2020 Election Results Look Like a Massive Rebuke of Socialism. - A Biden presidency and a GOP Senate could keep the left out of power for years."  


  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    So THAT'S why the right has been so happy this week.

  2. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Reason: "The 2020 Election Results Look Like a Massive Rebuke of Socialism

    And yet 91 of 93 House co-sponsors of Medicare for All were re-elected.

    As was every House co-sponsor of the Green New Deal.

    It must be the same kind of "massive" rebuke that America just saw at "The Million MAGA March" in Washington DC (attendance 11,600, which wouldn't sell out a Matchbox Twenty show at the Mohegan Sun Arena).
