Sunday, November 08, 2020

The people have spoken

Here's wishing success for President Biden and our country. 


  1. Like Mulder in the X-Files, I want to believe.

    Honestly, going down the stretch, I think I wanted Trump to win more as a repudiation of the completely corrupt and biased media, than for any of this policies.

    It was close, which is a consolation in itself.

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    First post: denial

    Second post: bargaining

  3. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Third post: sleepless

  4. Probably explains how Democrats urged the electoral college to ignore their oath and vote against Trump in 2016. Denial and bargaining.

  5. Anonymous9:55 PM

    A better example of denial and bargaining:

    Right now, based on the cash movement in your vaunted betting markets, bettors believe Donald Trump still has a 7% chance to win the election.

  6. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Denial and bargaining: Real Clear Politics still hasn't called the race for Biden.

  7. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Depression and Acceptance in one fell swoop:
    RCP has called the election for Joe Biden. A mere eight days after the outcome was apparent, and five days after the rest of planet Earth had acknowledged and celebrated it.

  8. Anonymous11:47 PM

    The prediction markets now have Trump's election odds going up, to 9%.

    Wisdom of the clods.
