Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sports will be offered with your wokeness sermon

It used to be a joke that General Motors became a pension and health care organization that occasionally makes cars.  The U.S. Woman's Soccer Team is now a SJW outfit that occasionally plays soccer.  


  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Masters sees record low TV ratings

    In keeping with previous TV sports analyses, the bad numbers must be because fans are fed up with all the BLM socialism and woke virtue signaling in golf.

  2. It was up against the NFL.

  3. Anonymous8:56 PM

    The same NFL that the fans are boycotting?

    The U.S. Open's Nielsen ratings also fell. So did the British Open's ratings. So did the PGA Championship's.

    There are always reasons. Some of them are real. It's just curious how contextual alibis are reserved for "traditional" sports telecasts, not for woke "shut up and dribble" sports telecasts.

  4. Yeah, and sometimes comparing the ratings of an event normally held in April to historical ratings is pure sophistry.

  5. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Fun Fact: The SJW National Women's Soccer League's TV ratings are up 493% in 2020. That's a dangerously radical increase.

    Weirdly, women's soccer accomplished this despite having to totally reschedule their season this year. And despite repelling viewers with its political sympathies.

  6. Yeah, and when the cleaning crew shows up at an WNBA game, their attendance goes up by 100%.

  7. Anonymous10:08 PM

    As Galileo said about the National Women's Soccer League, "Eppur si quid vigilate." ("And yet, they watch.")

    I get it, though. Someone once had his heart broken by NASCAR's impermanent skyrocketing ratings, and doesn't want to get hurt again.
