Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Sounds like one Senate runoff is in the bag

Hot Air: "More Warnock Oppo Drop: Arrested In 2002 For Obstructing A Child-Abuse Investigation?."
Far more interesting here is the fact that today is the first time we’re hearing about any of these Warnock issues. Did Democrats even bother to do any due diligence before lining up behind Warnock?
It's almost like the Democrats depended on the mainstream media to cover up these charges.  But there I go again, acting all conspiratorial.

Extra - Twitchy: "The hits keep coming."  


  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    More Warnock Oppo Drop: Arrested In 2002 For Obstructing A Child-Abuse Investigation?

    A rule of thumb that will serve you well:

    The answer to any headline that ends in a question mark is "no."

  2. Ian Betteridge9:30 AM, the Baltimore Sun article that got referenced is incorrect?

    Two Baltimore ministers have been charged with obstructing a police investigation into suspected child abuse at a church-run camp in Carroll County.

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Democrats are allowed to aid, abet and cover up child abuse. It's for the greater good, you know.

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    This shock horror shock would have more pizzazz, if you weren't supporting a president with more sex assault accusations than states won.

  5. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Biden isn't president yet, but you're correct, he sure like to molest helpless young girls. Of course, for Democrats #metoo Tara Reade doesn't count. Because, it's for the greater good, you know.

  6. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Secret laptops and basements and radical socialism and puppetmasters and his big dumb Covid mask and his long history of predatory sex...

    How did you guys EVER lose while making such a smart, compelling case against?

  7. Anonymous3:28 PM

    If the liberal media hadn't also cynically covered the following information up, President Trump would have won the 2020 election by more than he actually did win it, no matter what schemes Dominion and Philadelphia and Hunter's laptop unleashed upon freedom. And it's ALL VERIFIED.

    Nicholas Deak was a CIA agent for decades.
    He had a son named Ralph who changed his name to Blasey.
    Ralph ran 3 CIA companies: Red Coats Inc, Data Watch, Admiral Sec Systems.
    Ralph had a daughter named Christine.
    Christine got married and her name changed to Ford.
    Christine's brother is Thomas Blasey.
    Thomas worked at FusionGPS’ law firm Baker & Hostetler
    FusionGPS did the Steele dossier.
    Christoper Steele was a MI-6 agent and an Obama DOJ employee.
    FusionGPS is funded by Soros and Perkins Coie who were the Clinton Campaign Lawyers.
    Adam Schiff met with Glenn Simpson (FusionGPS President) in July 2018 at the Aspen Conference.
    Thomas worked with Jill Strzok at Excelis Inc.
    Jill Strzok is Peter Strzok's sister in law.
    Peter Strzok works for the FBI and plotted with Lisa Page to take down Trump.
    Back to Christine Ford. She worked at Stanford on a CIA project,
    She worked for Valarie Jarrett.
    Yes, that Valarie Jarrett.
    The project concerned memory replacement.
    She lied about a rape to take down a Supreme Court judge.
    Her attorney was Debra Katz.
    Debra worked for George-Soros at the Open Society Foundation.
    Debra also worked at Project on Government Oversight (POGO).
    POGO is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
    POGO co-signed a letter to Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).
    That letter was the letter Feinstein had on Kavanaugh.
    Kamala Harris refused to prosecute Soros in 2013 at OneWest Bank,
    Now she is a VP candidate.
