Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Sinking into resignation

Axios: "COVID cases are spiking, but our attention isn’t"
Sociologists argue that one reason that the public has perhaps become more apathetic towards media coverage about the virus because it's become too redundant and often, alarmist.
Let's not undersell "useless" and "contradictory" also: "New Study On Wearing Cloth Face Masks: Protection Is “Statistically Insignificant”."  

ICYMI - Behind the Black: "New study: Lockdowns & masks are useless and might even increase COVID-19 spread."  Quoting results published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Listen to the scientists! 


  1. That study shows what the prevailing wisdom has been for a long time: wearing masks protects OTHERS, not yourself. If everyone indoors is wearing a mask, then asymptomatic people who don't even know they're sick but are still contagious won't broadcast the virus when breathing, talking, etc.

    I don't understand the resistance to masks from a libertarian viewpoint. Not saying this it you! Just an observation. If we all wear masks we can keep schools, businesses, churches, etc. open. To me the much more serious violations of civil liberties comes with the lockdowns that become necessary when the virus spreads too far and too fast. I'm in Nebraska and I think we're at the point where we're going to get shut down again because the health care systems are legitimately overwhelmed (less than 20% of the ICU capacity left and decreasing fast).

    I'm a long time reader and have always enjoyed your blog, BTW.

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Weak foolish surgeons. Giving up their God-given freedom for useless, alarmist masks that do absolutely nothing.

  4. Anonymous9:03 AM

    That study shows what the prevailing wisdom has been for a long time: wearing masks protects OTHERS...

    I couldn't see how it shows that. Could you explain?

  5. This is in response to the first comment: first of all, thanks for reading. I don't get a huge amount of traffic but I like blogging and appreciate the comment.

    Second, I am not at all anti-mask. I don't see a problem with it. What does irk me is that we've been hearing for months now that we should "believe the scientists!" when, let's face it, they've been just terrible throughout this whole thing. (Ya know, except for the ones who have developed a vaccine.) Then the media just stirs the pot to get some eyeball clicks.

    Everybody got it wrong, even Sweden, who tried the herd mentality and is seeing a huge surge in cases. We have not been led well by the scientific community, the same ones who said we need 15 days to bend the curve.

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    So, Covid has been falsely characterized by... the MEDIA!

    And which one person was the wrongest in dealing with Covid? EVERYBODY!

  7. Anonymous4:17 PM

    The CDC, today:

    "Coronavirus infection rates dropped in Kansas counties that adopted mask mandates over the summer, while rising sharply in counties that didn’t institute such requirements, according to research published Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    The weekly average for new infections per 100,000 people fell by 6 percent in the two-dozen Kansas counties that complied with Gov. Laura Kelly’s July executive order requiring masks in public, the CDC found. In the 81 counties that opted out of the order, the rate increased by 100 percent."

  8. Marcus Welby, MD11:40 AM

    Weak foolish surgeons. Giving up their God-given freedom for useless, alarmist masks that do absolutely nothing.

    Your snark is more accurate than you realize:

    "It has never been shown that wearing surgical face masks decreases postoperative wound infections. On the contrary, a 50% decrease has been reported after omitting face masks."

    Oops, guess you were wrong about the "do absolutely nothing" part.
