Thursday, November 05, 2020

In which I kick the media while it's down

This RedState article is essentially the same as what I wrote last night, so it must be good: "Our National Media Has Learned Nothing In Four Years."
The media blew this election in an even more extravagant fashion than the last one....

This election is as much a repudiation of the media as it is supposed to be a wake-up call for Democrats, but neither group will actually recognize that. The GOP made gains in the House and kept the Senate. The Democratic Party is about to enter its own civil war. But the media is going to focus on the defeat of Trump as the real victory and that everything else can be ignored.

And if Trump is really the loser here, that’s all they care about. They will stay inside their little bubbles and not come out for another four years… but in four years, the GOP will be on the rise again while Democrats struggle to figure out who their base is and what it wants.
Oh, I think the Democrats have some inkling how badly they screwed up even as stories like this are making the rounds: "Wait, Do Republicans Actually Have A Chance Of Winning The House?"  (Spoiler alert: they'd have to almost run the table of outstanding races.) 

But back to the corrupt media.  Here's Michael Goodwin:
We all make mistakes, and most of us try to avoid them. The problem with the unholy news-polling-social media-industrial complex is that the mistakes are so numerous and predictable that they begin to feel intentional.

Worse, all the mistakes run in one direction. What are the odds of that happening honestly?
The state polls were often ludicrous, hitting the nadir with the Washington Post/ABC News poll saying Biden would win Wisconsin by 17 points.  This was off by 16.3%.  


  1. people only learn when their previous behaviour is a problem FOR THEM. so far, Dems, media, polsters, etc. have not been made to feel the problem.

  2. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Jesse Walker:
    "My fellow Americans, our long national Infrastructure Week is over."

  3. Anonymous6:16 PM

    As of Saturday evening, with America's cities in open-air celebrations, your betting markets are still giving Donald Trump a 7% chance to win the election.
