Sunday, November 22, 2020

Bill de Blasio engineers a crime wave in NYC

Fox News: "Subway shoving, flamethrowers, shootings in NYC blamed on 'perfect storm' of police reform, pandemic" - "Shootings have almost doubled from last year following a long era of low crime rates."

Who would have guessed that no-cash bail while defunding and demonizing the police department would have led to this result?  Oh yeah, everybody.  Also, the Ferguson effect is in full swing:
"The City Council pretty much took away the ability of the NYPD to make arrests," SBA President Ed Mullins told Fox News. "We have cops out there right now that are hesitant to grab anybody simply out fear that if it goes bad we may get ourselves arrested."
What a completely predictable surprise.


  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    It's good to see you supporting generic complaints from the head of a union.

    We can assume you also agree the unionized NYPD's current work slowdown is justified, to juice the crime rates and thus improve their rhetorical and tactical position.

  2. Well, if teachers unions are any indication, there's no bottom of incompetence that would lead to anybody ever being fired.

  3. Anonymous1:31 AM

    New York's 2020 murder increase (37.3%) is absolutely average.

    "Democratic" cities +36.2%
    "Republican" cities +35.6%

    Gasp! Bill de Blasio is EVERYWHERE!

    Per capita, how does that work? Citizens of Texas should be fleeing to New York City to improve their survival odds.

    The safest big city in America for murders? Baltimore, the only one to show a decrease.
