Wednesday, August 12, 2020

CJR: "Marching orders received"

 The totally unbiased journalists at Columbia Journalism Review:

Last week, a group called We Have Her Back wrote an open letter demanding that newsrooms treat Biden’s running mate with “the same kind of internal consideration about systemic inequality as you undertook earlier this year,” following the police killing of George Floyd. Leaders from NARAL, EMILY’s List, Time’s Up, and other progressive causes signed on; reporters and columnists echoed the call. Going forward, it’s urgent that we heed their advice in our coverage of Harris. 

Won't Sarah Palin be surprised.  


  1. Anonymous6:41 PM

    The all-powerful shadow puppeteers of the Radical Antifa Communist Left reached down and chose... Kamala Harris.

  2. Will the phrase 'Free Willie' make a comeback now?
