Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The House can impeach for any reason...

...and they sure did with these weak sauce so-called "articles of impeachment."  Joel Pollak has provided a real service with a loooong article debunking the entire silly document: "Line by line, a complete debunking of the Democrats' articles of impeachment"
Democrats released their two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump on Tuesday, and they are a complete joke.

Not only did the Democrats back away from charging Trump with bribery, obstruction of justice in the Mueller investigation, campaign finance violations, treason, or any of the other wild claims they floated, but the two articles themselves are fraudulent, based on blatantly false claims of law and fact.
No quid pro quo or bribery?  All that focus group money down the drain! 

For the record the articles were "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress"; both of these are so vague that "being bad" wouldn't be far off target either.  Ricochet nails it: "House Democrats admit they never had an impeachment case anyway":
This morning we are graced with “news” that House Democrats will present two articles of impeachment to the full House. The two “charges” are probably the two most vague, unspecific, unconstitutional things they could manage to throw out without dropping the whole thing altogether, proving that at this point mostly about the 2020 election and doing as little damage to their brand as possible.

If they fail to add to these two, they will be left with “charges” that not only have nothing to do with law or the Constitution but are flaming examples of exactly what the Founders/Framers were trying to prevent.
Speaking of trying to salvage their "brand," Nancy Pelosi waited all of a couple minutes to call a press conference announcing a USMCA deal with TrumpSee!  We're not all about impeachment!  Nancy is trying to get this train wreck over as possible which is why the impeachment hearings lasted a whole two days whereas Nixon's impeachment hearings stretched over months.  The whole thing is spinning out of control, the most recent polling shows more opposition to impeachment, and some red state Democrats are looking for a censure motion to avoid an impeachment vote. 

Now they're going to turn this over to the tender mercies of Mitch McConnell and the GOP-controlled Senate?  Well, things can only get better from here!


  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Impeachment will never make it out of the House.

  2. Anonymous11:21 PM

    weak sauce so-called "articles of impeachment".....the entire silly document......complete debunking......complete joke.......wild claims......fraudulent, based on blatantly false claims......focus group.......so vague........Democrats admit they never had an impeachment case anyway.......vague, unspecific, unconstitutional.......damage to their brand........flaming examples of exactly what the Founders/Framers were trying to prevent........train wreck........spinning out of control.....

    Womp womp.

  3. "Impeachment will never make it out of the House."

    I've been saying that for the longest time and I thought i was the only one. Now there are multiple reports of cold feet and "why don't we censure instead?"

    Very interesting.

  4. Anonymous8:33 PM

    You'd better clap harder. The doctors are reading Tinkerbell's organ donor card.
