Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Of all the drama queens, this is the drama queeniest

Poor Dahlia Lithwick just can't.  "Why I Haven’t Gone Back to SCOTUS Since Kavanaugh."
The enduring memory, a year later, is that my 15-year-old son texted—he was watching it in school—to ask if I was “perfectly safe” in the Senate chamber. He was afraid for the judge’s mental health and my physical health. I had to patiently explain that I was in no physical danger of any kind, that there were dozens of people in the room, and that I was at the very back, with the phalanx of reporters.
Good lord.  Passing it on to the next generation is a form of child abuse.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    That column is in fact dumb - on that, we agree.

    But everyone saw Brett Kavanaugh's tawdry crying and snarling act. We all know who Magic Mirror On The Wall will say is the drama queeniest drama queen of them all.
