Monday, December 03, 2018

Is it over yet?

The Week: "The crisis Mueller is sowing"
At this point the most obvious fair-minded explanation of the Russia investigation is that it exists to paralyze the Trump administration. It certainly monopolizes the president's attention. When he is abroad he broods over the latest media talking points from his suite. When he is in Washington, he fumes in front of the television and tweets his favorite tidbits from Fox News. The special counsel has taken his attention away from diplomacy and the other ordinary business of the presidency. Mueller has failed to deliver the goods not simply because there are no goods to deliver but because delivering them is not the point. The point is to hurt Trump.
I try to be fair-minded about the Mueller investigation but my conclusion is that the whole thing had its genesis in the fruit of the poisoned tree, namely the phony Steele dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign.  (This was the actual collusion with Russians to collect dirt on a Presidential candidate.)  And here we are two years later with indictments handed down for process crimes of lying to the FBI or evading taxes from a decade ago.

Every article I read is some variation of "look at all this smoke!  There must be fire somewhere."  At least Watergate started with a break-in and Benghazi had four dead guys.  The big "crime" here is that Hillary lost.


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    The Republicans authorized a Republican to investigate of the top Republican for firing a Republican to stop him from investigating Republicans, naturally forcing the top Republican to tantrum against the investigating Republican while being egged on by all the other Republicans, because of Hillary, Hillary and Hillary.

    It's a wail too pathetic to be shamed.

    31 days till Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff get their subpoena-of-the-day calendars!

  2. Then why is it taking nearly two years for 'the Republican' to charge Trump with a crime?

  3. Anonymous8:42 AM

    "Why doesn't he do everything just the way I would do it?" asks person who wants nothing done at all.

    Mueller's silent discipline really is driving Trumpkins mental.

  4. I like all the indictments for interference in the election.

    They're only aimed at Russians who will never be charged, but still!

  5. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Special counsel Robert Mueller told a federal court Tuesday that former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn has given "substantial assistance" to the Russia investigation and should not get jail time.

    Probably that means getting coffee for Mueller. Once indicted, low-level Trump staffers are renowned for their coffee-fetching talents.

  6. AM

    Michael Flynn already pleaded guilty. Mueller's not giving him leniency because he fingered someone lower in the White House chain than National Security Advisor.

  7. Robert Fisk9:32 AM

    "Michael Flynn will save us!"

  8. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Oof! That comeback never loses its hilarious power, not even on its 38th use.

    You must have been that kid in every neighborhood who thought saying "Rain, rain, go away," would actually make the rain go away.
