Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Your objective and professional mainstream media

Twitchy: "SCOOP! New York Times obtains 1983 letter from Brett Kavanaugh admitting to hanging with ‘prolific pukers’."

Wow!  Teenage boys are jerks!  Who knew?

On a side note, I was listening to NPR this afternoon and one of the hosts, after some audio of somebody questioning Christine Ford's version, added: "But Ford has been able to provide some details of that evening."

O RLY?  Besides the allegation against Kavanaugh, she remembers she had one beer and the house she was in had a narrow staircase.  I guess those are "details."  Otherwise, she doesn't know who invited her, whose home it was, where it was, the date, how she got there, how she got home, and the four people she identified at the party all said it never happened.

She remembers that one beer, though.  That's a detail.  Good on you, NPR.


  1. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Otherwise, she doesn't know who invited her, whose home it was, where it was, the date, how she got there, how she got home, and the four people she identified at the party all said it never happened.

    Donald, is that you?

  2. Police officer pulls you over. Ask you how much to drink.

    You reply "just one beer".

    Whats the chance of that being true?

  3. Michael Ob6:42 PM

    Statistically greater than the chance of a sexual assault allegation being false.

  4. First time she said "Brett Kavanaugh" to anyone: July 2018.

