Monday, February 05, 2018

I blame the Philadelphia Eagles' win

Fox Business: "Stock market plunges, with Dow down a record 1,175 points in the Big Board's biggest one-day drop."  Ouch.  The story I heard in NPR suggested that businesses are spooked about rising labor costs with Friday's report showing job and wage growth.


  1. You listen to NPR? Dude, what the hell? OF COURSE they're going to blame Trump's policies on anything negative about the job market or the economy in general. I don't think they give a flying fuck about free enterprise in the first place but it's awfully convenient for them when something like this hits their radar screen.

  2. Well, I prefer to listen to the news in the morning instead of the umpteenth replay of "Separate Ways."

  3. Anonymous4:57 AM

    it's awfully convenient for them when something like this hits their radar screen

    Where ever did NPR get the idea to directly link Trump's policies with the Dow Jones' performance?

  4. I'm 100% totally positively sure they gave Trump credit the next day when the Dow went back up 575 points.

