Thursday, February 15, 2018

By the book

Long but oh-so-good.  Andrew McCarthy: "What Did Comey Tell President Trump about the Steele Dossier? - The Rice email outlines Obama’s strategy to withhold key details of the Russia investigation."

Here's the tl;dr: James Comey purposely misled the President-Elect about the totality of the fake Steele dossier and the FISA warrant against Carter Page.


  1. Anonymous7:43 PM

    McCarthy's intro:
    On her way out the White House door and out of her job as national-security adviser, Susan Rice writes an email-to-self. Except it’s not really an email-to-self. It is quite consciously an email for the record.

    ...For at least a few more minutes, Rice still had access to her government email account. She could still generate an official record. That’s what she wanted her brief email to be: the dispositive memorialization of a meeting she was worried about — a meeting that had happened over two weeks earlier, at which, of course, President Obama insisted that everything be done “by the book.”

    Funny, though: The “by the book” thing about contemporaneous memos is that they are, well, contemporaneous — made at or immediately after the event they undertake to memorialize. They’re written while things are as fresh as they will ever be in one’s mind, before subsequent events motivate the writer to spin a decision, rather than faithfully record it. An email written on January 21 to record decisions made on January 5 is not written to memorialize what was decided. It is written to revise the memory of what was decided in order to rationalize what was then done.

    And yet, when James Comey wrote his reports of Trump meetings literally inside the car, immediately after the meetings, Comey was "filing away personal memos to use as bargaining chips to exact revenge when everything goes south." (VP, May 16)

    And #2 Rod Rosenstein's memo "laid out the case" for Comey's firing while Comey's offenses were fresh and, well, contemporaneous. (VP, May 9) Not like Susan Rice, writing convenient rationalizations to cover her butt.


  2. "writing convenient rationalizations to cover her butt"

    If only there was a precedent for Rice's behavior, repeated five times on every Sunday news program.

  3. Anonymous9:40 PM

    James Comey's notes are fake because he was planning ahead. Susan Rice's notes are fake because she was looking back. And Baby Rosenstein's bowl of porridge tastes juuuust right.
