Saturday, March 04, 2017

This guy is a kook

Fox News: "Trump accuses Obama administration of wiretapping Trump Tower phones."

I don't think Trump is "crazy like a fox."  Will somebody please delete his Twitter account?

Update - Via Hot Air.


  1. 'The best defense is a good offense' - George Washington

    At least I can enjoy the fact that a Republican has no problem whatsoever taking the fight right to the fake, dishonest media. Hopefully, future 'Pub politicians will learn from this and start politicking like Democrats do.

  2. I'd like to believe that Trump has some secret information to make this claim...but I don't think he does. I like the fightin' also but then there's losing credibility.

  3. An Obama spokesperson said that Obama never personally ordered Trump to be wiretapped. Period.

    Given the semantics of that denial, it is quite obvious that Trump DID get wiretapped by some federal agency, but Obama has plausible deniability.

  4. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I'm really enjoying this pivot. It's much funnier than his last eight or nine pivots.

  5. "Two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence community have confirmed to Heat Street that the FBI sought, and was granted, a FISA court warrant in October, giving counter-intelligence permission to examine the activities of ‘U.S. persons’ in Donald Trump’s campaign with ties to Russia."

  6. I've been so consistently wrong about Trump, it's altogether possible that there's some fire to go with this smoke.
    Sometimes I thinks he throws stuff out (like 3 million illegals voting) just to stir the pot and drive the opposition crazy.

  7. Anonymous8:54 PM

    "I know, I know... but at least I can get some jollies from liberals being upset."

    "I know, I know... but THIS time, President Wrestlemania might be onto something."

    Keep hope alive!

  8. Yeah...pretty much. Spoiler alert: he's no Lincoln

  9. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Maybe someday. He should start going to more plays.
