Saturday, August 13, 2016

What story did the NYT bury in the Saturday edition today?

If it's Saturday, it's time for the New York Times to reluctantly reveal some bad news about a left-wing shibboleth.  Via the Minuteman, here's "Cost, Not Choice, Is Top Concern of Health Insurance Customers."
The unexpected laser focus on price has contributed to hundreds of millions of dollars in losses among the country’s top insurers, as fewer healthy people than expected have signed up. And that has created two vexing questions: Will the major insurance companies stay in the marketplaces? And if they do, will the public have a wide array of plans to choose from — a central tenet of the 2010 Affordable Care Act?

“The marketplace has been and continues to be unsustainable,” said Joseph R. Swedish, chief executive of Anthem, one of the nation’s largest insurers.
Any minute now, we'll stop calling it Obamacare.

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