Friday, December 12, 2014

Disk drive crash in 3...2...1...

Hit and Run: "House Oversight Committee Subpoenas Obamacare Work and Contract Details."

Related - Powerline: "Grubered again."


  1. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Speaking of legislative goose chases, today is the three-week anniversary of the release of the Benghazi report.

  2. What a waste, trying to find out why the first ambassador since the Carter administration was killed.

    That money could have been spent on shovel-ready jobs.

  3. It's not about the destination, man, it's the journey5:40 PM

    The fiscal conservative adults in the room, on the wasted time, high pricetag and investigative pointlessness of their efforts: "What difference at this point does it make?"

    We all understand that the blogosphere's gotta be fed. It's just that it was poor comedy technique to type so many words for two years, and then ignore the punchline. At the very least, you could've called it a "Friday news dump."

  4. I must have been affected by a YouTube video.
