Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Psych! - There's an old cartoon I need to find: a guy with an "IRS" briefcase shows up at some guy's door and says: "Hey, we spent all your money.  Can we have some more?"  Fox News: "California businesses fuming over retroactive $120 million tax grab."

Extra - From Nice Deb.


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    It's so wrong when government turns around and takes money away from people who've already been assured it's theirs, just because the political or economic climates have changed.

    Elsewhere, many pension plans were underfunded, so you can't have your money. But that's not theft, it's realistic "corrective action."

  2. It's only funny when it happens to California.

    I can't believe their business-friendly policies have resulted in the worst unemployment rate in the country (tied with RI).

  3. Business-friendly4:43 AM

    Also tied, or nearly so, are #4 Vermont and #5 Wyoming, #7 Oklahoma and #8 Hawaii, and sister states Alaska and Massachusetts, both in 20th place.

    Down at the bottom of the list near California and Rhode Island are the notoriously socialist cooperatives North Carolina (#47), Mississippi (#46) and South Carolina and Georgia (tied at #42). Intermixed with them are solid Dem states like Illinois and Washington D.C. (45th and 40th), and swing states like Nevada and Michigan (49th and 44th).

    It's almost enough to shake a man's faith in a state's unemployment rate being a dependable indicator of whether conservative or liberal policy is afoot.

    The #1 to #5 states with the best (lowest) unemployment percentages rank 48th, 37th, 46th, 49th, and 50th in population. Conversely, eight of the top ten states in population rank among the 20 worst for unemployment. Each group includes reliably liberal and conservative state governments.
