Monday, October 29, 2012

Dead heat in Massachusetts Senate race - The Boston Globe reports today that Senator Scott Brown has an insignificant lead over Elizabeth Warren.  I happen to think Brown's been running a pretty lackluster campaign but Warren's personality has not been endearing to the voters.

Extra - From Legal Insurrection.


  1. Today's Washington Post "Fix" column:
    The survey stands in contrast to several other recent polls showing Warren holding a slight lead.

    Brown and Warren are tied at 47 percent apiece among those likeliest to vote in Massachusetts, according the poll, which was conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center from Wednesday through Sunday. In the previous survey, conducted in late September, Warren held a slight, 43 percent to 38 percent advantage.

    The new poll comes as other recent surveys have shown Warren leading Brown slightly. The Real Clear Politics average of the latest polling in the race shows Warren with a nearly four-point advantage. The Fix moved the Massachusetts Senate race from the “tossup” category to “lean Democratic” last Thursday, a reflection of Warren’s momentum in the contest.

    President Obama is on pace to win Massachusetts easily, but a shrinking lead over Mitt Romney in the Bay State could be helping Brown, the new poll shows. The president’s 27-point lead has shrunk to 14.

  2. No doubt that Scott Brown benefited from a "special election" that brought out supporters. The question this time is whether MA voters will split their ballot between Obama and Brown.

    I don't think they will, which is why I now think Warren will win. But then, if MA is a lock, why would Obama supporters come out to vote at all?

    Warren has not run a good campaign but her nonsense class warfare may be enough to pull her over the finish line. Here in Western MA, I see an equal number of Warren and Brown signs. But Boston rules the roost.

  3. Anonymous3:15 AM

    At the end of Senator Warren's first term, that Senate seat will have been filled by a Republican for 2 years out of 65.

  4. Elizabeth Warren has a personality?

  5. Anonymous9:46 PM

    If only she had a truck, then she'd have a personality.
