Thursday, September 20, 2012

Warren-Brown debate - It's rare that we have a close race here in the People's Republic but the first debate for the Massachusetts Senate between Scott Brown and Liz Warren was tonight.  As it happens, I had to pick up my kids so I missed the whole thing but Prof. Jacobson has a post-debate analysis.  It sounds like the Cherokee question didn't have to wait very long.


  1. Rashomon Reports10:34 PM

    Prof. Jacobson has a post-debate analysis.

    And yet, Daily Kos says of the debate, "Brown failed, Warren scored." According to them, Brown was "defensive," "frantic-sounding," and "sometimes desperate," while Warren landed "direct hits" with her "effective" and "detailed approach."

    What could *possibly* account for two such different assessments?

  2. I'm not a fan of the fake Indian, but I thought Warren was on her back heels at the start, then held up rather well until the last 20 minutes. Brown was never in trouble, no gaffes, never mind anything else.

    The Kossacks must have been watching a replay of Little Big Horn or something...

  3. Whoever won or lost the debate, Scott Brown's disposition was not that of a candidate who is happy with his internal polling numbers.

  4. I ended up watching parts of the debate on YouTube and, I have to say, I didn't think Brown was good.

    OTOH, Warren seems obsessed with "Big Oil." I don't know why Brown didn't hit back on the subsidies "sent" to oil companies which are merely the SAME deductions afforded to every other company in America. Instead he framed it by way of high gas prices.

    Warren can win this by not being annoying. Brown needs to do better next time.
