Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We can't joke about slavery? What's this world coming to? - Powerline: "Douglas Wilder rips Biden for slavery reference."

Extra - Instapundit: "Nice to see an admission of a double standard."


  1. Sorry7:46 PM

    And then imagine if Barry Kripke were reading your blog aloud.

  2. Who's Barry Kripke?

  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    He's the only person in America who's sincerely upset and offended by Joe Biden.

  4. A Nonny Mouse6:01 PM

    Well, at least Biden didn't use "you people". I guess he learned from watching 'Tropic Thunder'.

    Of course, as a Texan and a Southerner, I am HIGHLY offended by Biden using "y'all". This is an affront is common from Yankee politicians trying to make themselves seem folksy (like Hillary Clinton did when she was trying to win Southern delegates beofre the '08 election). I demand the ACLU start screeching on behalf, and restitutition in the form of more government money, or maybe some RC Cola and moon pies if Michelle Obama still isn't America's diet czar.

  5. Go folk yourself7:04 PM

    Nonny Mouse is 10,000% right. Also, in politics, the repulsive F-word is "folks." Neither Obama nor Romney has seen a folk in 40 years.

  6. Anonymous10:44 PM

    I don't know about "upset," but I'm certainly offended by Joe Biden. He's a nincompoop.

  7. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Joe Biden is the most reprehensible Vice President we've had in more than 3 years.
