Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Hello everyone, remember me?

Well it's been an eventful couple of days.  Here in Western Massachusetts the wet, heavy snow started Saturday afternoon and did not let up until the destruction was complete.  The October trees still had all their leaves and the snow weighed down the boughs until they snapped.  We lost one tree and the yard is littered with sheared branches.

The power has been out since Saturday night.  Fortunately, I have quite a bit of camping equipment (ice chests, propane heaters, lanterns, etc.) and a half-cord of firewood to burn if things get too cold.  But it is cold at night and now they're saying power may not be restored until Thursday.  At first I didn't believe it until I took a ride around the area: power lines are down everywhere.  I would guess - without exaggeration - that there's a tree laying across a power line every 100 yards or so.  That means crews have to make sure the line is de-powered, cut the tree off, re-string the lines, and then move on to the next junction.  The news claims there are 300,000 people without power in Massachusetts but 600,000+ in the dark in Connecticut.  This is my second day off work because the emergency storm line is disconnected, meaning there's no power there either.

So it's cold and I'm bored silly with card games ("Call of Duty Black Ops" withdrawal is real!) but we'll survive.  One thing I guarantee: the tree surgeons here in New England will be working around the clock for months.


  1. Same thing in Northwest NJ. Our power is back but half the town is still out.

  2. Good to hear that you're ok. I've been reading your blog for a long time now, and noticed that you were quiet for the past couple of days. Good luck with the clean-up and getting life back to usual.

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    we had 100% of the town (Bolton, north of worcester) out until yesterday evening, some small portion back then, but -i'm- still out. four nights so far, and the fireplace only works when it's -on-...

  4. I foolishly went to Target and Walmart looking for camping propane cylinders.

    But they had ice!
