Friday, October 15, 2010

My faith in the youth of America is restored

No "boxers or briefs" questions at the MTV town hall meeting; instead we had this thoughtful query:

Mr. President, my name is Joe San Georgio (ph). I'm a senior at George Washington University. And my question is about Social Security. The Congressional Budget Office projects that Social Security could go into the red as early as 2018. And it seems to me there are only three options if we want to fix it: raise the retirement age, raise payroll taxes or reduce benefits.

I know in the past you've said that all options are on the table, but do you have a limit for what would be acceptable changes for each of those three things?
Although he doesn't address those "three things" and instead talks about the bipartisan deficit commission, Obama's pretty honest with the kids about the challenges ahead. He closes his answer with: "...we've got to deal with to make sure that we're not just leaving you guys with a mountain of debt." Good answer.

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