Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bipartisanship on health care reform - Contentions "Consensus at last!": "Senator Max Baucus announced his health-care proposal and achieved what few expected - a broad coalition of Right, Left, and Center." They all hate it.

More - Great headline from FiveThirtyEight: "Baucus compromise bill draws enthusiastic support of Senator Max Baucus." A compromiser of one, as it were.

And this - From Investor's Business Daily: "Is health care reform constitutional?" Check your 10th Amendment, citizens.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I read about 850 pages of HR3200 and was alarmed at some of the things I was reading. For example the automatic enrollment into Medicaid and the automatic withdrawal from your paycheck for cost sharing and taxes. Giving the Heath Department access to your tax returns to determine automatically what level of coverage you can afford and the minimum 2.5% tax penalty for trying to buy lesser coverage than the government thinks you should have. I never thought I would see such a quick move into a Fascist Dictatorship. I thought we might pause briefly in some type of socialism...

  2. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Socialism! Fascism! Two "isms" that make perfect sense together... if you've got alcoholism.
