Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We are one!

I caught the inauguration from Aretha Franklin to the benediction by Rev. Joseph Lowery, which produced the most cringeworthy moment of the ceremony when he threw in his "blame Whitey!" line. I guess he didn't get the memo about moving beyond racism and partisanship.

Good luck, President Obama. Here's hoping you can stay classier than your supporters, those dreamy, hope-y, change-ologists who think it's a great idea - now - to do something constructive superficial. No more stretch limos for these celebrities! For now on, it's only Cadillac Escalade Hybrids to the airport before taking the Gulfstream to Sundance.

Extra - Good roundup from Kim.

More - Transcript of "I pledge" video.


  1. E,

    I didn't vote for Obama but I always felt that a good by-product of his election would be the demise of the race hustlers. I think it is clear that from what Lowery (and others have said), the race hustling business is going the way of Circuit City and Bennigans, and they know.

    Plus, have you noticed how all of a sudden everyone wants to remind us that Obama is half-white, so we really haven't elected a black President yet?

  2. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Fantastic. So many online conservatives, expressing more indignation about a breach of politeness than they ever did about violations of law. Aw. Such precious and delicate flowers.

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    No, we expressed A LOT of indignation about the violations of law of the Clinton administration. Not that it did us any good.

    OH, you meant the violations that the left dreamed up about the Bush presidency? No, not much indignation about trumped up, herb-fueled fantasy violations here.

  4. " ... hope-y, change-ologists ... "

    Good one ... I got use that!

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I wonder how the imaginary revisionist historians of the 22nd century will consider the way George W. Pariah got booed offstage like a reject on "The Gong Show"? The 23% crowd is probably already calling it as another glorious Bush victory of the future.

    I'm not nearly as confident in my soothsaying skills. The only surefire call I can make about the events of the year 2080 is about guys like Blair:

    "What th-- where did my pills go? They were right here! DAMN THAT CLINTON!!!"
