Friday, January 09, 2009

There will be no debate - Conservative David Horowitz recently appeared at a forum discussing academic freedom and his ideology was challenged by incisive questions such as: "What is he doing here?" Via Arts & Letters, here's Impasse at the MLA.


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Bait blames fish for appetite. Snore.

    It's not much of a challenge to provoke a shortsighted, intolerant reaction on either side of the political divide, if that's your general purpose.

  2. Freedom of speech doesn't mean the freedom to say things that are insulting and disagreeable to liberals. It means the freedom to agree with them 100%.

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Christopher Buckley, late of the National Review, joins Brian in deploring the lockstep intolerance that defines the left.

  4. Anonymous2:03 AM

    In general, anybody who says "Their kind always does this" is projecting big enough to fill an IMAX screen.
