Saturday, January 03, 2009

There they go - Fox News: "Israeli Ground Forces Cross Border Into Gaza Strip"

Related - Mark Steyn "Gaza has its version of rocket scientists": "Over in Gaza, whether or not they're putting the Christ back in Christmas, they're certainly putting the crucifixion back in Easter. According to the London-based Arabic newspaper al Hayat, on Dec. 23 Hamas legislators voted to introduce Sharia – Islamic law – to the Palestinian territories, including crucifixion. So next time you're visiting what my childhood books still quaintly called "the Holy Land" the re-enactments might be especially lifelike."

More - Gateway Pundit is on the job with the latest. So is Memeorandum.


  1. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Wow, what a shocking, er, new, um... twist?

    This could be a real game-changer moment for the Middle East.

  2. I hope Israel buries them instead of going half-ass once again.

  3. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Israel's historic restraint must be intolerable to a ballsy he-man like yourself.

  4. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Brian is 100% right. I'm sick of waiting for the Rapture to start.
