Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bush's farewell speech – What can I say? People who like him will see it as a classy farewell while those who don't will see a play for justification. My feeling is that Dubya should have spent more time communicating with the American people and explaining his decisions throughout his tenure instead of heading down into the White House bunker.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    But hasn't he been trying to explain his decisions for 8 years?

    He squandered the historic worldwide support of the United States after 9/11 (even the French were behind us). We are stuck in 2 nation-building wars that have cost us thousands of American lives without a clear exit strategy from either. The economy is a mess and our solution is to print money and give it the bastards who got us into this in the first place.

    Reality trumps the rhetoric here. America is just waiting for him to leave and pinning its hopes on the next guy. He knows that.

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    "He squandered the historic worldwide support of the United States after 9/11 (even the French were behind us)."

    This is laughably dumb, there was sympathy for the victims for a couple of weeks but what "support" are you talking about? And even if there was it's not like any of these countries have serious militaries that they can use to contribute.
