Saturday, February 02, 2008

Two words: water pistols

Gateway Pundit: "Berkeley Chaos - Protesters Chain Themselves to Marine Office Doors"

There are so many good reasons to spray these protesters with water:

1) hippies smell, and usually need a bath
2) it promotes the gun culture they despise
3) they can't resist because they're chained together
4) even if they could confront you, they're committed to non-violence so nothing would happen
5) supports the Marines.

Hey, it doesn't even have to be water.


  1. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Years ago, at my Catholic Church summer festival, I was in the boy's room filling my squirt gun at the sink. A kind young man, about 18, suggested I use beer instead of water, because it is much stickier. Unfortunately, he would not give me any of his, and I was only 10. Thanks for the memory.

  2. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Dirty hippies? Really?

    No, in all seriousness. [i]Really?[/i]

    Who lost China?
