Tuesday, November 06, 2007

They voted for impeachment before they voted against it

From the Weekly Standard: "Dems outmaneuvered on impeachment"

It's interesting that on such a weighty question as impeaching the vice president of the United States, votes can change so quickly. While the roll calls are not yet available, it seems there were plenty of Democrats who voted to go forward with impeachment when they thought it would fail, who suddenly voted against impeachment when it mattered. I guess it was all just about politics after all -- even for the supposed 'true believers.'
It's good that Congress is tackling this important matter instead of, oh I don't know, passing the appropriation bills to run the government:

On the budget front, because Congress has yet to pass any of the 12 appropriations bills to fund the federal government for fiscal year 2008, it will likely have to pass another Continuing Resolution to keep the government financially afloat past November 16, when the previous one expires.
Your government at "work."


  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Ancient history lesson:
    The previous GOP Congress dumped all its un-passed budgetary work onto the Dems' desk this past January.

    Here's a class project. Why don't you list all the recent years when Congress passed its appropriations bills on schedule, or ahead of it?

    What's the next penetrating Washington D.C. critique gonna be, that Secret Service agents are too frowny?

  2. News flash: it's November.

    Do you think they could pass maybe one spending bill?

  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    You mean besides all the 2006 bills that were left over from the hardworking 109th Congress, right?

  4. Anonymous3:30 PM

    You mean besides all the 2006 bills that were left over from the hardworking 109th Congress, right?

    You do realize there were none left over, don't you? You're always prattling on about the "freepers"; sure seems like you're hanging out with the left's version, whatever sad basement they might meet in.

  5. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Hey, look! The Washington Post publishes out of the same basement!


    Senate Belatedly Passes Spending Bill for 2007
    Thursday, February 15, 2007

    Four and a half months after the legal deadline, the Senate gave final approval to a 2007 spending plan that funds almost half the federal government and averts any chance of a government shutdown.

    By an 81 to 15 vote, the Senate approved a $463.5 billion measure that Republicans had threatened to block out of pique for being denied a chance to offer amendments. In the end, Republicans gave in and overwhelmingly supported the spending bill, which funds a litany of popular domestic programs through Sept. 30.

    Whew! That 10-second Google search really tuckered me out. But it's important to better our fellow man's outlook whenever possible. Glad to be of service, dummy.

  6. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I'm sorry, Anonymous. I let my partisan bitterness blind me into ignoring the facts. I made a foolish mistake, and for that I apologize.

    (Well, SOMEBODY had to type it, and God knows it's never gonna be you.)

  7. Anonymous9:09 PM


  8. Anonymous9:30 PM

    :::the silence of the tomb:::

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