Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Close the borders - That seems to be the majority sentiment among the (sometimes nasty) comments attached to the story: "Six arrested in plot to kill soldiers at Fort Dix."

Update (5/9) - From Fox News: "Brothers Charged in Terror Plot Lived Illegally in U.S. for 23 Years": "Three brothers charged in the alleged Fort Dix terror plot have been living illegally in the U.S. for more than 23 years and were accepted as Americans by neighbors and friends who had no idea they would scheme to attack military bases and slaughter GIs."


  1. Anonymous11:28 PM

    What a score! Guys with "jihadist videos," who practiced with paintball guns, and who were quite possibly planning to come up with a plan "to kill as many soldiers as possible." Even though authorities concede they couldn't possibly have gotten onto the base, but did we mention jihadist videos?

    This is the greatest victory since the feds broke up that Florida sleeper cell of fiendish suicide pilots who were thinking about perhaps going to flight school in the terrifyingly near future.

    Definitely worth a major news conference.

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Anonymous, please remind us why you lefties aren't completely unserious about terrorism (and also remind us how you surely would have caught OBL by now, if only a Democrat was in the White House).

  3. We should never, ever, under any circumstances try to prevent crime or terrorism. We should only bitch, whine, and complain *after* the damage has been done. /leftymode off

    I suspect if the Oklahoma City bombing had been caught early, say before the purchase of the ammonium nitrate, it would have looked like a bunch of idiots, too. Disgruntled former soldier, member of a fringe rightwing militia group, little training, and they're really expecting to do serious damage to a government building and kill dozens? C'mon.

    Given that terrorists or terrorist wannabes will probably keep trying, they're bound to succeed sooner or later. I suspect the lefty trolls on this site will not be happy with public reaction at that point.

  4. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Oooh, ouch, I'd hate to be "unserious." All liberals cringe in pain the minute you break out the ultimate blog adjective of doom, "unserious." Because the fact is, there are serious, serious threats... like paintball warriors in New Jersey who were going to storm an army base (someday), or future airplane hijackers in Florida who didn't know how to fly.

    Fine, so maybe the administration's word has proven to be untrustworthy on any number of things. But these staged news conferences, they're totally on the level!

    You want serious? Investigate these goofballs... er, "homegrown Islamic terrorists inspired by Osama bin Laden." Arrest these guys, if you've got a case. But don't alert the media about your tremendous victory in the global war on terror. Don't tell us how you averted disaster by catching the man who "smiled" at videos.

    Finally, what kind of "28% or bust" mental patient invokes Osama Bin Laden's remaining at large through 2007, because he thinks it's a killer trump card over the Democrats?

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Anon, in your first paragraph, you reinforce my allegations that you are "unserious".

    Your second paragraph is irrational cynicism and paranoia.

    Your third paragraph is... too much stuff going on there to even pick it apart.

    In your last paragraph, you're attempting to make a point, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is.

    I'm a member of Mensa, and I have a good natural instinct for deciphering wierd shit, but your point is unfathomable to me (our inability to capture bin Laden is a criticism made by Democrats, not against them).

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Mensa Boy wrote:
    (and also remind us how you surely would have caught OBL by now, if only a Democrat was in the White House)
    And then:
    (our inability to capture bin Laden is a criticism made by Democrats, not against them)

    Suddenly Mensa Boy doesn't know he was saying of the yapping, unserious Democrats, "yeah right, like YOU could have done any better." It's unfathomable!

    So what's the "seriouser" point here, that Democrats would've been just as inept as Republicans, so there? That the half-assed Tora Bora plan was serious strategy by the grown-ups who grasp the situation?

    Or is it just that, like our overextended troops, Mensa has been forced to lower its admission standards?

  7. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Twist words much?

    No, it's still 98th percentile on a standard IQ test.

    And yes, it is true that as long as Democrats are disinterested in the War on Terror (as evidenced by your comments), and as long as they consistently oppose reasonable measures to fight terrorists, they are less likely to capture bin Laden (or anyone else for that matter).

  8. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Perhaps TGK could turn his off-the-charts analytical instinct and B.S. detection towards the incredibly thin details of yesterday's "big terror case."

    It's hard to believe that a genuinely superior mentality would so readily denounce cynicism and embrace credulity, but there it is.

  9. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Gotta love the doublethink on the Left. Terrorism doesn't exist just a lie by Bush. But at the same time we have made terrorism worse by fighting it. It's all a big joke to our superior Leftist bretheren. Is there any doubt what the reaction would have been if the 9/11 hijackers had been stopped.

  10. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Fine, so maybe the administration's word has proven to be untrustworthy on any number of things. But these staged news conferences, they're totally on the level!

    Your second paragraph is irrational cynicism and paranoia.

    Yesterday, a group of GOP Congressman met privately with Bush, and told him to his face that he no longer has any credibility on Iraq. And should pass off the spokesman job to Gen. Petraeus because nobody believes a word Bush says anymore. There hasn't been a smackdown like this since Goldwater told Nixon to go bye-bye in 1974.

    Tsk, tsk, tsk. From righties, too. And they're the side that wants to win!

    What a shame, when serious, troop-supporting statesmen display such... what was the phrase again?... irrational cynicism and paranoia.

  11. Anonymous1:40 PM

    It just mystifies me that Lefties don't seem to understand they will be the first target of a Muslim resurgency. All their beliefs are repugnant to Muslims.

    They will come for you before they come for me ( they will come for both of us in the end ).

    Terror strikes don't have to be big things, a bomb in your local theater, shopping center , local bus, a car bomb in a rural town center, snipers shooting people at random will disrupt daily life like you won't believe. Yes, even where you live.

    I personally believe these wannabes
    could have made a big psychological impact and prefer to have the FBI find all they can.

    Paintball guns are a great training aid and they could most definitely have gotten on base.


  12. Anonymous5:31 PM

    This near-catastrophe proves the conservatives right. We need to fight the terrorists over here, so we don't have to... er, fight them here? Or something.

  13. Anonymous7:22 PM

    "This near-catastrophe proves the conservatives right. We need to fight the terrorists over here, so we don't have to... er, fight them here? Or something."

    Of all the dishonest strawmen arguments I have ever seen this one has to take the prize. Saying that we should fight them over there does not mean that there will never ever be any more attempts on the homefront. Nobody thinks that. But if you want to keep the bulk of the jihadist movement occupied away from the homeland then yes the military should remain there to fight them. And considering there has been no follow up to 9/11 this has obviously worked. We already tried the do nothing approach except sit back and hope the police/FBI can stop every attack just in time. Not surprisingly the Left is advocating a return to that.

  14. Anonymous7:39 PM

    if you want to keep the bulk of the jihadist movement occupied away from the homeland then yes the military should remain there to fight them.

    And considering there has been no follow up to 9/11 this has obviously worked.

    An almost perfect storm of dunderheaded circular neocon logic. Squeeze in "defeatists want to hand Al-Qaeda a victory" or "the media refuses to report the good news," and you could win the Triple Crown.

  15. Anonymous8:37 PM

    "An almost perfect storm of dunderheaded circular neocon logic."

    So in your opinion having our troops fight the bulk of the enemy on their home turf has zero effect on their ability to carry out a worldwide campaign of terrorism? Fascinating.

    Squeeze in "defeatists want to hand Al-Qaeda a victory"

    Well, admittedly it's very difficult to tell the difference between those Leftists who are stupid/naive and the true hardcore anti-America fanatics like Chomsky.

    or "the media refuses to report the good news," and you could win the Triple Crown.

    Pretty much goes without saying that the Leftstream media does not want America to win a war when a Republican is President. Subtlety is not one of their strong suits. The hilarious "the Taliban is resurgent" propaganda offensive that takes place every spring comes to mind. If the media was being paid to intentionally demoralize the population is there any difference between what they are doing now?

  16. Anonymous12:09 AM

    So in your opinion having our troops fight the bulk of the enemy on their home turf has zero effect on their ability to carry out a worldwide campaign of terrorism? Fascinating.

    Iraq WASN'T "the enemy's" "home turf" UNTIL we fought them in bulk. Unfascinating... in fact, reading the same discredited neocon talking points is monotonous.
