Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Two Republicans in Boston

During my trip to Beantown, I had lunch with Matt Margolis of Blogs for Bush (and other conservative sites). Our main topic of discussion was the gubernatorial race and whether Republican Kerry Healey could close the gap on Democrat Deval Patrick. My pessimistic conclusion was that Healey did not generate much enthusiasm with her milquetoast campaign commercials and the “Al Gore” image as a second-in-charge. Matt thought the tide could turn for Healey since Bay Staters tend to agree with her positions. We’ll see, but right now all the enthusiasm seems to be on Patrick’s side.

More - By the way, I should add that there was a debate tonight among the major, and minor, candidates running for Massachusetts governor. Deval Patrick won it by simply having Independent Christy Mihos and lefty activist Grace Ross there to dilute any message Healey might have tried to make for her campaign.

Extra – Here’s Brian Maloney on tonight’s debate: “Supposed "independent" gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos is again doing the dirty work for Democrat Deval Patrick during a statewide debate now underway in Springfield, Massachusetts. At this point, there's something truly fishy about Christy's candidacy: it's obvious his only purpose is to aid Patrick, a Howard Dean / Ned Lamont- style extremist.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I thought Bay State voters had learned the value of having a Republican Governor to exercise some control over the Democratic legislature.

    If you want to know what Mass. would look like with a Democratic Governor (and no referendums), take a look at New Jersey. It's frightening.
